Friday, December 7, 2012


Today, I wrote the word "NOW" on my palm, like a little school kid, to remember that today is today. Not yesterday! Not tomorrow! There are so many times, actually most of the time, that I live in the world of worry. I forget about what the day is all about and that I can choose to live in the now!

It's like I have two personalities, E.D. and I. The internal me and external me. The internal me suffers with worry, sadness, anxiousness,  hopelessness, and fear while my external me disguises me as being happy, put together, and confident.  E.D. keeps me from balancing my internal with my external me. My mind races right past the now and into the past or the future. I worry about what others are thinking, if I've offended someone or just that I haven't done something right.

But I am a fighter! I am a healthy, strong, woman who refuses to lose the battle; the struggle. It's days like these that I get glimpses of hope. The feeling that my world is going to be balanced and not end on December 21, 2012 as the Mayan calendar predicts! Today I shall walk with my shadow and discover the world through the lens of my camera.


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