Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Nightmare, Nightmares go away
The past still haunts me till to this day
I wish to stay present so, I don't feel this way.
Nightmare, Nightmares please don't stay!

Nightmare, Nightmares go away
May the wind make you sway
I feel brittle as a strand of hay.
Nightmare, nightmares please don't stay!

Nightmare, nightmares go away
I don't deserve to constantly pay
things were out of control and kept at bay.
Nightmare, nightmares please don't stay!

Written by: Ariane Theriault

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dark Hole

When things start to seem impossible such as cleaning, basic hygiene, and self-care, you should always question your state of mind. Don't wait till it's too late and you are stuck in a dark hole with little to no oxygen. One of the biggest red flags is coming off your medications, not sticking to your recovery, isolating, lack of sleep, and interest. Sometimes your behaviors change to unhealthy coping skills to numb out. Things begin to spiral out of control and can hit rock bottom. As much as you try to dig your way out with your bloody nails, things feel impossible for survival. You have hit rock bottom.

Currently, I am on the mend from digging out of my hole with my bloody nails. Things did not seem right especially on the inside. It was almost too late for me when I figured this out. I had hit another one of my rock bottoms in my dark hole. I was numbing out to reality and ignoring my red flags. A quick phone call and a ride later, I was on my way to seeking professional help.

At that time, I worked on a lot of myself and faced some more of my past. I tend to get stuck in my past. but I don't want to relive it over and over again. I am trying hard to enjoy the future and present, but i know i must face my past during the present in order to heal and move on from all of this suffering. It's been a rocky road for me. Relearning healthy coping skills and basic self-care again has helped me out a lot. If it wasn't for all my supports and my parents, I would be lost in time. Having a strong support system is really important to your recovery too. They may not fully understand your hurt and pain, but just hearing their voice means so much. It helps to instill hope; a reason to keep trudging along.

If you or a loved one is struggling, please don't hesitate to seek professional help. Eventually, it may be too late to get out of your dark hole. Take this opportunity to reach out to someone you have been wanting too and catch up. If you find yourself stuck, please seek help. I wish every one of you a happy and fruitful life.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Super High: Part One

When was the first time I tasted my drug and became so high? When did my urge to numb-out take control of my life? It was not necessarily a specific date that I took my "first hit." It was more like a series of events and lack of control that set me off the deep end. It was not till I hit rock bottom, on more than one occasion, did I begin to taste life.

My drug may not of been cocaine, heroine, alcohol, marijuana and so-forth, but it had a street value that was just as deadly to me. I refer to my drug as "E.D." (eating disorder). ED was leading me into a downward spiral to death.  Eventually, my body was deteriorating into a thin, brittle skeleton. Devastatingly, I hit my breaking point that bone-chilling winter. 

I remember it like it all happened yesterday, my breaking point. I had just arrived back to Massachusetts from living in California for two years. My friends, family, and people I did  not even know were so concerned about my health. But I was more concerned about how "fat" I was too the outside world.  My family was seeking so much support and help for me at the time, but I was too numbed-out to even believe there was something wrong. Then one day, in walked my past high-school track coach into my parent's living room. She broke through the wall and instilled hope in my path. She handed me her first completed Boston Marathon race ticket number and said it was mine. It was at that moment that something clicked. I began to cry, I let out a weep, gave her a hug, and let my guard down. I turned to my parents, not knowing what my future held, and accepted their help. I was a frightened, lost soul. I knew something was not right with me. Certainly  I had no idea I had an eating disorder at the time. I just believed this was not how I wanted to live my entire life, a lifeless corpse. 

Entering the revolving door, I began a three month stay at an hospital in Waltham, MA. I refused to eat and was too sick to not too, so down went the feeding tube. I fought so hard with my treatment providers. I was a very stubborn, lost soul. It was the glimpses of hope that helped keep me fighting for life.

Recovery in the hospital was very scary but it felt like a safe place too. My freedom and independence had been stripped from me, but in turn I was developing a sense of self. I was discovering how to care, love, and respect myself in everyday life. I was beginning to learn about my eating disorder and what it represented in my life. It took a long time to believe that it was not about food but feelings. I was determined to find my true self. I knew there was more to the world than feelings of fatness and thoughts of what I could or could not eat all day. There I was becoming a more determined, strong, developing woman. The illusion of an eating disorder in my brain had started to become real. 

As my road to recovery continued, I was not quite ready to face the real world yet. The insurance company felt differently. My benefits were running out and my treatment was going to be cut short. If it was not for my parents, Joe and Judi, I would not be where I am now. I cannot express enough gratitude and thankfulness I have for them now. They fought appeals after appeals for me. They never lost sight in the strong, determined woman that I was trying to develop into. For an additional six months, I continued on my road with recovery at a place called Laurel Hill Inn in Medford, MA. Words could not express how lucky I was to have been part of such an intensive recovery program........

(more to follow but for now have a wonderful day)


Saturday, January 5, 2013

All eyes on me?

Have you ever thought that everyone is staring at you? Or the entire world is judging you?

Well, E.D. swears that EVERYONE is staring at me, judging me:

"You are not skinny enough. You should not eat that because everyone is judging you. You are not healthy enough. You are too fat. Why are you eating that? You don't deserve that either."

The list goes on and on. The twisted thinking is exhausting at times. It is self-consuming and limiting if I allow the voices to be. Turning the volume down is so hard. Shutting the voices out can be harder. Trusting my body and knowing that I will be okay is a true challenge.

Recently, one of my BFF's moms has come to the end of her journey; battle with cancer. She had never lost hope and remained strong. She went to treatments after treatments, week after week with her head held high. The support of her family and friends along her side, helped her stay strong. Well, I am so proud of her and am happy she won the battle against cancer. She never lost hope and faced the challenge. She is totally inspirational to me and others.

Breaking through the wrath of E.D. is the true challenge. Following my dreams and inspirations within is the breaking point along my road. Fighting back to the voices of E.D. can be a true challenge that can be overcome. With patience and perseverance, we can all win our battle.

Thank you Dot for instilling hope in my journey! May we all find inspiration among ourselves, eating disorder or not.


Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye 2012, Hello 2013...

I would like to recap 2012 but I think that would be impossible with all the strides I have taken and even setbacks I have encountered. E.D. has still tagged along this year with me. I am unable to find the courage to fully divorce him from my life. E.D. is a stubborn one I tell you.

In the past year, I faced some of my past trauma and even participated in a trauma group. I was able to sit with some of my emotions, fears, and anger around the events. Eventually, the trauma group became a little too overwhelming. I knew my limits that I had to protect myself from E.D. behaviors that were about to emerge if I continued to push myself. I took a step back and tried to decipher from the past and reality of life now. Remembering I was not a poor, little helpless victim anymore is probably one of the toughest parts of recovery. Telling myself numerous times that I am a courageous, strong survivor is foreign territory to me. But with much practice and hope, I continue to try my hardest to remind myself of the present.

I hit other bumps in the road along the way, such as changing therapists. Changes in rigid ways for E.D. can be very scary and overwhelming. I struggled with finding, trusting, and allowing someone else new into my life. I finally found a great therapist that was willing to take on the life of Ariane. A therapist with great resources and is completely dedicated to her work. She has helped me re-instill hope in my recovery and reach out to other resources in the area to fight E.D.

I was faced with major illness this year that really was an eye-opener. Anorexia (any eating disorder) can lead to many health complications and be deadly too. I was numbing out of reality. I was focusing on others and not caring for number one. I fell off the band wagon and hit a bump in the road. With the support of my providers, family, friends, and blogging I was able to get back on track. I gained a new perspective on myself and my life separate from E.D. As a result, I started to be true to myself and wanted to help others who struggle. I began a new journey with the initiation of a blog, with the hope of being published someday.

It has been an especially true blessing this past year. All the support from my family, friends and all my blogger readers has truly inspired hope in my path. I am rediscovering myself and truly allowing myself to live my life.

Thank you everyone for all the support! Happy New Year!!!


Sunday, December 23, 2012


I never understand the struggle around this time of year. A time full of joy and laughter, surrounded by friends and family. What else could I ask for?

Living with an eating disorder around the holidays can be very difficult and challenging. The primary feeling is that it can be centered around food. When in actuality it is the spirit of the holidays that really feeds the soul.

If you or a loved one lives with an eating disorder, know there are great resources out there. Talk to your supports and treatment team. One of my favorite quick references is:


I like to read and reread this site at times when I feel I stand alone at times. It helps me reach out and take control of my recovery. May all your holidays be filled with love and joy this year. I look forward to what the year 2013 will bring.

Happy Holidays to you all!


Friday, December 21, 2012


I never thought I would understand myself separate from my eating disorder. I never thought I would understand the wrath of the disease. The constant thoughts about food and weight have consumed my brain. I did not have to think about my past, present, or future. I was stuck in a black hole, spiraling out of control, to the chambers of death. I was losing the battle with myself. It wasn't until I got parole from ED, that I started living life beyond its four walls.

Beyond those walls lie a lot of suffering and fear. I discovered I was running away from a past that I did not want to face. A past full of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. I was, and I am scared, to this day, to face it all. In order to break free from my prison, I know I must face the trauma and pain of my past. All of the tears shed and blood dropped, could never heal the wounds.There is not a day that goes by that it all doesn't enter my thoughts. I'm on house arrest except, I don't have one of those chains wrapped around my foot. I have the wrath of E.D. (eating disorder) entangled around my heart and soul. To be bound by the walls of restriction, low self-esteem, and control, is like a prison. There's a death sentence waiting around the corner, knocking on my door, waiting to take over.

Today, I get glimpses of a universe separate from ED. I live a life rich in love and freedom, filled with HOPE. I take each day one moment at a time. I reach out to supports and work hard in therapy. I take control of my recovery, instead of ED controlling me. Along the way, I may lose my sights and revert back to past behaviors that temporarily fill a void, but I have insight to keep me on my path, a path filled with hope and freedom. My chains are breaking and the real me is knocking on  my door.


The Purpose of Mistakes.

What does having a purpose mean to you?    Take a moment to reflect on your past year as I type this for you to consider.     Time has flown...