Saturday, January 5, 2013

All eyes on me?

Have you ever thought that everyone is staring at you? Or the entire world is judging you?

Well, E.D. swears that EVERYONE is staring at me, judging me:

"You are not skinny enough. You should not eat that because everyone is judging you. You are not healthy enough. You are too fat. Why are you eating that? You don't deserve that either."

The list goes on and on. The twisted thinking is exhausting at times. It is self-consuming and limiting if I allow the voices to be. Turning the volume down is so hard. Shutting the voices out can be harder. Trusting my body and knowing that I will be okay is a true challenge.

Recently, one of my BFF's moms has come to the end of her journey; battle with cancer. She had never lost hope and remained strong. She went to treatments after treatments, week after week with her head held high. The support of her family and friends along her side, helped her stay strong. Well, I am so proud of her and am happy she won the battle against cancer. She never lost hope and faced the challenge. She is totally inspirational to me and others.

Breaking through the wrath of E.D. is the true challenge. Following my dreams and inspirations within is the breaking point along my road. Fighting back to the voices of E.D. can be a true challenge that can be overcome. With patience and perseverance, we can all win our battle.

Thank you Dot for instilling hope in my journey! May we all find inspiration among ourselves, eating disorder or not.


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