Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why I Decided To Share My Story

     I took that leap. The leap of faith that got me through the day. I knew I was not alone; I couldn't be. I knew that this could not be an internal struggle inside myself anymore. Despite the thoughts inside my head, I believed I was not alone. I hoped that sharing my story would help me and others too. 

     One of the most significant leaps in life was starting this blog and sharing my story. The more I became honest with myself, the more I realized I was not the only one struggling in life. Being alone and in deep despair can destroy one's soul. I began my blog in December of 2012, scared and alone, not knowing where to begin. As I began to type, my thoughts poured out onto the computer. I tried not to cast judgment on my entries, keeping the audience in mind. I began to believe I was not alone the more and more I shared my thoughts and struggles. Being honest about my battle with an eating disorder has helped me decrease my shame and guilt. The racing thoughts of self-destruction became less and less inside my mind.

     One of my passions in life is to try to find purpose and make it as meaningful as possible. I believe I am capable of becoming the person of being in life. While writing blog entries helps me on my road to recovery, I hope to make a difference in someone's life through my recovery process from an eating disorder. My blog relates to many internal struggles that anyone could be coping with in life. I try not to focus on the unhealthy coping mechanism of an Eating disorder. I try to focus on the emotions and the struggles of everyday life that I may encounter in the past, present, or future. 

     Sharing my story has helped me along my road of recovery and made me a healthier, braver woman. Thanks to all who support me during this process in life. I hope that sharing my story may help you or a loved one while helping myself. May we all find ourselves along the journey of life?!

- A.N.T.

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