Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Freeing the Mind Behind the Mask

     Recently, I read an article in the February 2015 National Geographic magazine entitled "The Invisible War on the Brain." It discusses the effects of war on a soldier's brain and the changes that occur. It outlines how blast injuries to the brain change soldiers in ways many can't articulate. Also, the article discusses the use of art therapy that helps some cope and reveal themselves. Some soldiers revealed themselves through the painting of a mask. They depicted what they were like before the war and what they were like after the war. It was like a sense of articulation of the pain and suffering they are going through, it seemed:

National Geographic February 2015 Rebecca Hale (ALL)

     I was inspired by this article in many ways. It helped me realize that many people struggle with many different emotions and hide behind masks too. I felt inspired and impelled to share my mask behind an Eating Disorder (E.D.) through a collage instead of National Eating Disorder week:

May we all be true to ourselves today. 
Take your mask & free your mind today. Take the time to live every day.
Looking forward to the day, not tomorrow.

Be true to yourself today.
Live your life every day.
Loving the day.
Take your mask & free your mind today.

- A.N.T.     

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