Saturday, February 2, 2013

Everyone Can Paint!

Does anyone feel the urge to paint or draw something but says, "I'm not good at it?"  Well put your ego, critic, and judgement in a drawer and lock it. Creativity is having illumination and making mistakes too. Be kind to yourself and allow your inner visions to be in color! Make sure you don't take life too seriously. It's not permanent! 

Recently, I was in an art therapy class which I was very hesitant about. I thought to myself,  "I can't draw for beans." The theme was to draw something that inspires you. I was like great. How am I going to even begin to draw that? Well, I thought long and hard, and grabbed a yellow crayon. I began to but my ego, critic, and judgement in a locked drawer. I ended up drawing a big sun. It represented light in my recovery and inspiration to me. I found the giant sun very calming and relaxing. I ended up drawing something very meaningful to me. I now know I can draw anything my imagination wants too.

All you need is a paper and pencil to let your imagination wander. If you have the resources, finger paints are a must have. Start with a line and develop a non-judgmental drawing or doodle, adding color if you can. If you find yourself stuck, seek out inspiration from your surroundings and your favorite magazines. Let your imagination be free. 

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you are going to do now and do it." -William Durant


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Ariane, we are always our worst critic. You are learning how not be anymore. - Amy A.


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