Monday, July 28, 2014

Life of a Caterpillar!

     I can remember life as a vulnerable, little, hopeless girl so easily. The memories flood my brain like it was yesterday, keeping me stuck in a cocoon. However, the past memories can be so foggy at times too. The pain and suffering was carried with me throughout my daily life. The feeling of hopelessness and deep despair took over my body. I was a caterpillar at the time. I was losing hope; afraid of becoming a butterfly.

     I never wanted to die or end my life forever. But there were dark times that I wanted to numb out till defeat. An Eating Disorder (E.D.) was no longer providing the numbness that I tried so hard to console myself with in life. I was searching for relief in all the wrong places. It seemed easier to run away from the reality of all the truths. I was afraid, afraid of becoming a butterfly.

"It takes a million steps to reach failure, but only one-step forward to start to succeed." -A.N.T.

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