Thursday, April 9, 2015

Affirmations by A.N.T. to Inspire all.

  • You must walk through the mud to get to the clear water
  • When I get lost; I live in the here and now of reality
  • May we all be survivors!
  • I don't regret I live and learn.
  • May we all find ourselves along the journey of life!
  • Where there is life, there is hope.
  • Today was a day of sorrow. A day of loss. A door closed. A door opened. 
  • Change doesn't come in nickels and dimes. It comes in dedication and sweat.
  • Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
  • You can only do one thing at a time. You're only one person.
  • My inner voice loves me for me.
  • My worst days in recovery are better than the best days in relapse.
  • The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
  • All the pain and suffering within oneself cannot be measured by a number on the scale!
  • It takes a million steps to reach failure, but only one step forward to start to succeed.
  • May you thank yourself or someone else for life today too!
  • May you still treat your body with love when faced with illness...
  • Being rich with love is better than wealth...
  • Hope is seeing that there is light despite all of the darkness.
  • It's by tiny steps that we shall all ascend to the stars.
  • Gain strength, courage, & confidence through every experience in which you look fear in the face.
  • Stay Strong: Achieve the Unachievable!
  • Following a path of self-destruction leads to a life of misery.
  • When life catches you up, grab it by the horns, and ride out the adventure!
  • Step outside the confines of your comfort zone!
  • Dare to live your life at the moment, freeing yourself from inner pain.


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