Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How Not to Plant Herbs

     My new project with my partner for this upcoming spring was planting some herbs. Well, lets just say that starting something from a little seed is much harder than I thought. It takes patience and a lot of education, but I took the experimental route instead. I take failure and disappointment with a grain of salt for this next project.

     I truly did not know what I was getting myself into. In the past, I would of called my self stupid and a failure  for not succeeding, but this time I see it as an adventure; a strength. It was a total experiment I was willing to try out. I decided that I would learn a new craft and skill the hard way. So, with that said, I learned a lot about how to NOT plant herbs.  I did not fail, instead I gained a great deal of knowledge on what not to do the next time!

     Here's what I got to say to you all from my planting experience, don't be scared and make sure and try it for yourself. I may have the non-greenest thumbs around, but I refused to give up. Here is what I learned:

- Fertilizer: Not only do you need great fertilizer but you also need to feed the little seedlings with nutrients. DONT JUST WATER, give them a fertilizer too.

- Sunlight: Ample sunlight for all the little seedlings is a must. A table near a window does not constitute adequate sunlight. Herbs require direct sunlight.

- Fungus: Let this be known I could go off on a tangent about this, but I won't. Fungus is NOT a good sign unless you are growing mushrooms :) Too much moisture will create fungus.

- Watering: This is more of a science than an art I learned. Just because you think they are drying up doesn't mean to continue to water them multiple times. If the soil sticks to your fingers it is moist enough.

- Seeding: Plant a couple of seeds per cell. Just because you got a packet of seeds doesn't mean to plant them all in one or two cells, spread out the seeds. The overcrowding of to many seeds leads to death of the herb.

- Placement : Once you get the go ahead to place the herbs outside (after the last frost), do not place them on a railing two floors up. They are bound to be blown over.... our whole project ended today by a gust of wind that took over our creations.

I chuckle with the entire experience. Better luck next year to us :-)


Monday, April 13, 2015

Get Up Now :)

I could of gave up then
but it wasn't my when
time was ticking fast
and I knew it wouldn't last
I had to get up now.

I would of gave up then
but it wasn't my when
the sun was setting today
and I knew I couldn't delay
I had to get up now.

I thought to give up then
but it wasn't my when
my feet stood proud and strong
and I knew it wouldn't be long
I had to get up now.

I didn't give up then
because it wasn't my when
I picked my shoulders up
I refused to cover up
I got up now!


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Affirmations by A.N.T. to Inspire all.

  • You must walk through the mud to get to the clear water
  • When I get lost; I live in the here and now of reality
  • May we all be survivors!
  • I don't regret I live and learn.
  • May we all find ourselves along the journey of life!
  • Where there is life, there is hope.
  • Today was a day of sorrow. A day of loss. A door closed. A door opened. 
  • Change doesn't come in nickels and dimes. It comes in dedication and sweat.
  • Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
  • You can only do one thing at a time. You're only one person.
  • My inner voice loves me for me.
  • My worst days in recovery are better than the best days in relapse.
  • The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
  • All the pain and suffering within oneself cannot be measured by a number on the scale!
  • It takes a million steps to reach failure, but only one step forward to start to succeed.
  • May you thank yourself or someone else for life today too!
  • May you still treat your body with love when faced with illness...
  • Being rich with love is better than wealth...
  • Hope is seeing that there is light despite all of the darkness.
  • It's by tiny steps that we shall all ascend to the stars.
  • Gain strength, courage, & confidence through every experience in which you look fear in the face.
  • Stay Strong: Achieve the Unachievable!
  • Following a path of self-destruction leads to a life of misery.
  • When life catches you up, grab it by the horns, and ride out the adventure!
  • Step outside the confines of your comfort zone!
  • Dare to live your life at the moment, freeing yourself from inner pain.


The Mind's Tricks

The mind often plays intricate tricks on me, weaving a tangled web of racing thoughts and persistent worries. I find myself struggling to un...