Thursday, January 9, 2014

You Can Afford to Eat More...

     It is the new year, right? Diets are in full swing and body image takes on a life of its own for many people. Some of us are disappointed in our self-image, distorted or not. We wish the reflection in the mirror didn't show the "imperfections" of our self-image. Man or woman, we all have our struggles in the journey of life. It may not be the reflection in the mirror, the dimple on your butt cheek, or the fold of your stomach over your jeans; It can be the simple thought of regret. The regret in yourself and how you brought yourself to where you are at in life. For the eating disordered, the true question can teeter between food and how your size can dictate your path in life?

     With an eating disorder, life can seem so focused on a number on the scale. Hour by hour, you can jump on a scale and let it determine your self-worth. Tragedy can strike; death can pass; but what all you know is a number on the scale. Your thoughts are strung together by food! Let it be the purging of, the stuffing of, or the restricting of food that numbs you out completely. Either way, food can be our worst enemy. It can seem so simple, "just eat" to others. It can be a no-brainer to take on life's challenges and face our fears, but how does it become so? This seems to be a more philosophical question that has many unanswered questions and views to many.  So today I let the question fester, perhaps stir up a thought or two. Please do know I am here. To listen and guide you in your light among your path of life.

     Today, I offer support to others. I don't ever endorse another page or blog, but I am making an exception to my rules to help give insight to the lost:

Yours truly,

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