Saturday, November 6, 2021

Saying "NO"

You are walking in the darkness, searching for a reflection in a storm of doubt. Nowhere to turn in the conformed world that is spewing granules of time inside an hourglass. There is an invisible force that pulls you into a maze of misdirection, the inability to say "NO." Standing, pondering, and stuck at a fork in the road in the labyrinth of life, you look down the two paths. There is the beaten path filled with guilt and shame, seemingly impossible to crawl down. Alternatively, the other seemingly effortless path carries the weight of the world on your shoulders of despair. 

As you stare down the two paths, your continuous overexertion of straying down the path of deceit leads you into hopeless possibilities. That is where your reflection of doubt continues to hide behind the shadows of darkness. However, when you willingly crawl down the road less traveled, you challenge the demons that lurk inside your conscience. The fear seeps out of your veins as you sheepishly search for reassurance. The conflict that threatens your judgment arises from disappointment and rejection from others. Nevertheless, the immediate discomfort rattles the core as it soon disappears; you assert your boundaries away from depression and despair. 

Turning your inner soul into a seed of growth, you find your reflection of strength in the sunlight of hope. Your confidence surges past the disappointment and rejection into the pathway of self-discovery. As you unravel the strings of lies, you warp and weft into the woven direction of happiness. Grasping onto the courage to let go of something familiar, you embark on the journey of saying "NO" by maintaining your sense of self-worth. 

The Mind's Tricks

The mind often plays intricate tricks on me, weaving a tangled web of racing thoughts and persistent worries. I find myself struggling to un...