Monday, May 7, 2018

The Lemon Spritz

I've decided to squeeze that frozen lemon into pulp. All my anxiety was pulverized into a lemon squeeze. I like to think of it as bitterness meets sourness. It's impossible to feel the actual satisfaction of melting a frozen lemon into pulpless mush until you have tried it for yourself. All the anxiety in the world can never be erased by a simple squeeze of lemon. But knowing the senses of the human mind can be challenged to change by a simple lemon is priceless.

I've been told to do a frozen orange to address sheer panic. It was not until one day, I did not feel like going to the store for oranges, that I understood the power of a lemon frozen. When I squeeze an orange, I get soft sweetness, but 9 out of 10 times, I am in panic mode... I am scared, angry, fearful, and do not need sweet. I need the sour of a lemon I discovered not so long ago. My five senses are being emerged through the feelings of my human mind. It's as if this little yellow, oblong thingy gets me. When it has stunted my feelings, I have a soft-tart lemon to leave me with my thoughts. It balances one's mind out.

May it be bittersweetness or utter tartness,
 allow your senses to be tantalized. 

- A.N.T.

The Mind's Tricks

The mind often plays intricate tricks on me, weaving a tangled web of racing thoughts and persistent worries. I find myself struggling to un...