Unexpectedly, I surrender my soul to the inner voice in my head. I bleed out the distractions surrounding me. Over the muffled voices, I begin to hear a voice inside me. It's just me and my laptop now. It's a world of creativity and adventure ahead of me. I walk down memory lane, where demons and angels live inside my brain. I contemplate the journey I am about to embark on as I surrender my soul.

Remember, the mind is a beautiful thing. It can protect you. All the while hurting you at the same time. Everybody has a mind at the start of life. No one mind is alike in the universe. There may be similarities and like-minded beliefs, but we all have unique perspectives, experiences, and thoughts. One relative-natured element may be vibrant and bright to you, while it may symbolize darkness to another's mind. We are all unique and special to our own selves. Cherish your own soul before you cherish another's mind.
As you deepen into surrendering your soul, listening to your inner voice, continue to non-judgmentally accept the fleeting thoughts. As you relax deeper in your position, you realize that you are the only one in the room. Your mind is an Adventureland, caught between reality and fantasy. Focus on the pendulum of thoughts and continue freeing the mind from all distractions. Remember, the thoughts you are having are only unique to you. No one else but you knows your internal thoughts. Now, you have begun to accept the thoughts as feathers in the wind. You take awareness to the thoughts as they disappear like a shooting star in the night.
Now that you are in a state of mind of letting go of thoughts and freeing the mind, ultimately, you shall be able to accept that a thought is a thought. Awareness of your thoughts can help you embrace your reactions to situations, independent from others. May you allow yourself to move freely through the world of life.
- A. N. T.