Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Mind of Madness

     You find yourself trapped inside a Rubik's Cube, trying to set yourself free from the maze. Each twist of the Rubik's Cube, leaves you more lost among the disorganized colors. If only you could just wrap your mind around the color schema, you may be able to free your mind from the madness. The more twists and turns you take, the further you are from the perfect matching squares of colors. The madness deepens, echoing through your mind. You're left feeling unsteady. You begin to ponder, when will all the darkness become full of brightness again? Instead, you find yourself trapped inside the mind of madness.

     The possible has become impossible. You're wishing that someone could hold onto you because you are unsteady. Even the voices speak to you when your eyes are shut. The madness is beyond return. You have lost sight of reality. With eyes shut, you pray for a better beginning and hope to wake-up from this nightmare. Suddenly, you hear a voice in the distance. You begin to wonder if it could be the devil coming to take your soul. You panic. You start to rapidly think about your options, hoping the voice can take you to the other side of madness. You're at the point that you want to bargain with the voice, even if it is the devil, to free yourself from it all. You feel like a victim in the night, where you dare not look back. It's all a mystery.

     Life as you know it, is about to end. You begin running. Heart-beating uncontrollably. Adrenaline gushing through your veins. You get deeper intertwined into the wrath of the Rubik's Cube. You know you don't wanna live for ever, but you know this is not how you wanted your life to end. The voice is getting louder and the thoughts are screaming in your head. Blood is seeping through your skin. The darkness has overtook your soul. The mind is full of delusional thinking and rationalizations. You are mentally exhausted and feel all alone.

     Eventually, you try to pry your eyes open to catch a glimmer of light; anything to grab hold of hope. Again, you attempt to turn the vibrant tiles of the Rubik's Cube. Frustratingly, you just cannot grasp a steady pattern among the disorganized colors. Suddenly, a flash of hope comes to you. Holding onto the fleeing thought, cautiously you begin to think clearer. You realize that in order to obtain an organized color schema to the Rubik's Cube, you must work out the twists and turns of the disorganized patterns of colors.  You begin to understand that bargaining with the devil will not end the madness; chaos will ensue. No matter where you turn, there lays the truth.

     As you realize the power of the mind and ponder the different possibilities, you realize there can only be one absolute. You begin to understand that it is how you look at things, not how they are in themselves. You are motivated to solve the unsolvable color patterns of the Rubik's Cube. Taking a different perspectives of a problem can lead to harmony and create a healthy mind of the soul. Instead of fleeing the possibility of failure, embrace the idea of change. The darkness shall not last forever; after every sunset there is a sunrise.

- A. N. T. 

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.”  ~Buddha

The Mind's Tricks

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