Sunday, December 22, 2013

Never Say Never

Insanity vs. HUMANITY

When the tough gets rough
you hafta say enough.
Pick up your pieces to the puzzle
and put your past in a muzzle.
Don't wait till it's too late
and life is lost in fate.
Don't lose your turn in the game of life
nor end it with the tip of the knife.
Stand-up! Fight thru the fright
take freedom with all your might.
Face your reflection in the mirror
and know things will be clearer.
If you lose yourself in the process
and start to suppress,
take your liberty and raise a fist
even if you need to get pissed.
So, when the path gets tough,
continue moving thru your stuff,
knowing there's an end to the insanity.
You are amongst all of humanity.

Happy Holidays to you all!
Yours Truly,
Ariane N. Theriault

Monday, December 9, 2013

Time stamped!!!

I rub my eyes of all its sleepies. I wake-up in a pool of sweat and look around the room. I wonder where I am and how I got here.

It's been so long since I have entertained the idea of blogging again. Time elapsed. Events unfolded. Mistakes were made and learned from along the way. My life was dark, lonely, and about to spiral out of control. My self-image was non-existent and foreign to me as I stared into the mirror. "Who was I?" "Who have I become?" "How did I lose myself and my self-respect?" "Where did I veer off the course of life?" Questions began to bombard my brain. I knew everything was not right and had to change.

Change is what needed to happen. Change is exactly what happened. I faced my greatest fear and ended things for once and for all. I was given the gift of life again, a second chance at living. I was shown the light and treated with love. I was listened too, heard, and respected for the first time ever. I realized what it means to be living life once and for all.

I stamp this time in my life as happy, lucky, and full of true love. The meaning of life has knocked on my door and I have answered. ED was not the intruder nor was the path of self-destruction. Thank you all for showing and guiding me towards the light in my life.


Friday, December 6, 2013


Trapped in despair
with all my fears
not a place to call your own.

Lost amidst sea
just wanting to flee
not a place to call my own.

Stricten with tears
throughout all these years
not a place to call our own.

Panicked with fear
without being able to bare
not a place to call her own.

Angered by pain
struggling to be sane
not a place to call their own.

Saddened afloat sorrow
wanting it to be tomorrow
not a place to call your own.


The Mind's Tricks

The mind often plays intricate tricks on me, weaving a tangled web of racing thoughts and persistent worries. I find myself struggling to un...